Dixon completed his medical degree at Monash University with honours in 2003. In 2016, he completed his urology training in Victoria with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS).
Following that, Dixon completed two additional years of fellowship training in robotic, laparoscopic and open cancer surgery at the University of Toronto, Canada. He worked at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, the world’s 5th largest cancer centre, and Toronto General Hospital, the 4th best hospital in the world. In completing this high-volume fellowship, he is now a member of the Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO), the peak North American body for urology cancer surgery.
Dixon is a prolific researcher with numerous peer-reviewed publications and international presentations. To pursue his interest in research and academia, he completed his Doctor of Medical Science degree in advanced prostate cancer treatments and cancer immunology in 2018 through the University of Melbourne. His project was awarded the prestigious NHMRC (National Health and Research Council) grant and the RACS (Royal Australasian College of Surgeon), Raelene Boyle Scholarship for surgical research. While in North America, he was awarded multiple research grants and prizes. In 2018, he was awarded the Canadian Urological Association research essay prize.
Fellowship in Uro-Oncology
Dixon completed two additional years of fellowship training in robotic, laparoscopic and open cancer surgery at the University of Toronto, Canada. He worked at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, the world’s 5th largest cancer centre and Toronto General Hospital, the 4th best hospital in the world.
In completing this high-volume fellowship, he is now a member of the Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO), the peak North American body for urology cancer surgery.
Awards and Grants
- 2019 Canadian Urological Association (CUA) – Canadian Uro-Oncology Group (CUOG), Astellas Research Grant Program 2019
- 2018 Best Prize Essay in research competition – Canadian Urological Association 73rd AGM
- 2018 Intuitive Robotic Surgical Clinical Research Grant Phase II trial: “Assessing Positive Margins at Robotic Radical Prostatectomy Using Real-Time High Resolution PSMA-Based Gamma Imaging of the Prostate Bed.”
- 2018 Canadian Uro-Oncology Group (CUOG) research grant
- 2017 Astellas mCRPC Bootcamp Travel Awards to Toronto, Canada, and AUA meeting Boston.
- 2017 Australasian Urological Foundation Fellowship Grants
- 2015 USANZ Travel Grants to AUA, New Orleans 2015, USA.
- 2011-12 NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) Dora Lush Postgraduate Research Scholarship
- 2011 ANZUP/Novartis Travel Grants
- 2011 USANZ Travel Grants to AUA, Washington D.C 2011, USA.
- 2011 Royal Australasian College of Surgeon, Raelene Boyle Scholarship for surgical research
- 2010 University of Melbourne, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Scholarships: – The Ronald John Gleghorn Scholarship – RG & Au Meade Scholarship
- 1999 Awarded Golden Key National Honour Society membership (outstanding scholastic achievement and excellence)
- 2020 “A HIGH PERCENT-FREE PSA IN THE SETTING OF BIOCHEMICAL RECURRENCE AFTER RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY IS ASSOCIATED WITH POORER OUTCOMES: A VALIDATION STUDY USING PROSPECTIVELY COLLECTED BIOBANK SPECIMENS” J UROL 2020 Feb 18:101097JU0000000000000808. doi: 10.1097/JU.0000000000000808 Woon DTS, Herrera-Caceres JO, Goldberg H, Shiakh H, Whelan E, Nason, G, Ajib K, Tan GH, Chandrasekar T, Aljunaidi O, Finelli A, Zlotta A, Berlin A, Diamantis E, Fleshner N.
- 2020 “UTILITY OF DIGITAL RECTAL EXAMINATION IN A POPULATION WITH PROSTATE CANCER TREATED WITH ACTIVE SURVEILLANCE” Herrera-Caceres JO, Wettstein MS, Goldberg H, Toi, A, Chandrasekar, T, Woon, DTS, Ahmad, A, Sammaned-Salgodo, N., Alhunaidi, O., Ajib, K., Nason GJ, Tan, GH., Fleshner NE., Klotz, L. Can Urol Assoc J. 2020 Mar 30. doi: 10.5489/cuaj.6341.
- 2019 “SALVAGE RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY FOLLOWING FOCAL THERAPY: FUNCTIONAL AND ONCOLOGICAL OUTCOMES” BJU Int. 2019 Dec 21. doi: 10.1111/bju.14976 Herrera-Caceres JO, Nason GJ, Salgado-Sanmamed N, Goldberg H, Woon DTS, Chandrasekar T, Ajib K, Tan GH, Alhunaidi O, van der Kwast T, Finelli A, Zlotta AR, Hamilton RJ, Berlin A, Perlis N, Fleshner NE.
- 2019 “PHOTOSELECTIVE VAPORIZATION OF THE PROSTATE: STUDY OUTCOMES AS A FUNCTION OF RISK OF BIAS, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, AND INDUSTRIAL SPONSORSHIP” World J Urol. 2019 May 13. Doi: 10.1997/s00345-019-02799-3 Wettstein MS, Pazhepurackel C, Neumann AS, Woon DTS, Herrera-Caceres JO, Kozomara M, Povet C, Sulser T, Kulkarni GS, Hermanns T.
- 2019 “AN ACTIONABLE STEROL-REGULATED FEEDBACK LOOP MODULATES STATIN SENSITIVITY IN PROSTATE CANCER” Molecular Metabolism 2019 April Authors: Joseph Longo, Peter J. Mullen, Rosemary Yu, Jenna E. van Leeuwen, Mehdi Masoomian, Dixon T.S. Woon, Yuzhuo Wang, Eric X. Chen1, Robert J. Hamilton1,4, Joan M. Sweet, Theodorus H. van der Kwast, Neil E. Fleshner, Linda Z. Penn.
- 2019 “SMARTER SCREENING FOR PROSTATE CANCER” Authors: Guan Hee Tan, Gregory Nason, Khaled Ajib, Dixon T.S. Woon, Jaime Herrera-Caceres, Omar Alhunaidi, Nathan Perlis. World J Urol 2019 March 1. 10.1007/s00345-019-02719-5
- 2019 “THE WHO, WHEN, AND WHY OF PRIMARY ADRENAL MALIGNANCIES: INSIGHTS INTO THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF A RARE CLINICAL ENTITY” Authors: Chandrasekar T, Goldberg H, Klaassen Z, Wallis CJD, Woon DTS, Herrera-Caceres JO, Kulkarni GS, Fleshner NE. Cancer. 2019 April 1;125(7):1050-1059
- 2018 “DISPARITY IN PUBLIC FUNDING OF THERAPIES FOR METASTATIC CASTRATE-RESISTANT PROSTATE CANCER ACROSS CANADIAN PROVINCES” Authors: Dixon T.S.Woon, Thenappan Chandrasekar, Lorne Aaron, Naveen S. Basappa, Kim N. Chi, Henry J. Conter, Geoffrey Gotto, Sebastien J. Hotte, Shawn Malone, Fred Saad, Bobby Shayegan, Laura Park-Wyllie, Robert J. Hamilton. Can Urol Assoc J. 2018 Oct; 12 (10):328-336
- 2018 “CHARACTERISATION OF TUMOUR-INFILTRATING LYMPHOCYTES IN BENIGN AND MALIGNANT PROSTATE TISSUES” Authors: DTS Woon. Doctor of Medical Science thesis publication. University of Melbourne’s research repository. Permanent URL: http://hdl.handle.net/11343/217607. Open access
- 2016 “URETHRAL CARCINOMA IN A URETHRAL DIVERTICULUM, A RARE PRESENTATION OF POST-MENOPAUSAL BLEEDING: A SHORT CASE REPORT AND REVIEW” Authors: Corrine Lu, Dixon T.S. Woon and Trixie Rasmuson Women’s Health & Gynecology: Vol. 2, Issue 8, page 50
- 2013 “SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA IN A CONTEMPORARY SETTING” Authors: Dixon T.S. Woon, Jonathan W. Serpell, Meei Yeung, Simon Grodski, Nathan Lawrentschuk, William R. Johnson Journal of Current Surgery: Volume 3, No. 2, page 66-72. Oct 2013
- 2009 Letter to Editor “PREOPERATIVE CORE BIOPSY OF SOFT TISSUE TUMOURS FACILITATES THEIR SURGICAL MANAGEMENT: A TEN-YEAR UPDATE: Reply” Authors: Prof. J. Serpell, Dr. D.T.S. Woon ANZ Journal of Surgery:Volume 79(5) May 2009. 407-408
- 2008 “PREOPERATIVE CORE BIOPSY OF SOFT TISSUE TUMOURS FACILITATES THEIR SURGICAL MANAGEMENT: A TEN-YEAR UPDATE” Authors: Dr. D.T.S. Woon, Prof. J. Serpell ANZ Journal of Surgery:Volume 78(11)November 2008 p 977-981.
- 2008 BOOK publication: “MRCS Part One in a Box” Authors: Dr. Dixon Woon, Dr. Sheravika Leonny, Dr. Simon Overstall. Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd MRCS Part One in a Box contains 200 summary cards designed to aid candidates in their revision for their membership exam to the Royal College of Surgeons (England). Topics include: Anatomy, Medical Physiology, Pathology and Principles of surgery.
Abstract Publications
- 2019 “Impact of putative chemopreventative agents on prostate cancer diagnosis” Authors: Hanan Goldberg, F. Mohsin, Z. Klaassen, T. Chandrasekar, CJD Wallis, J.O. Caceres, A. Ahmed, DTS. Woon, S. Alibhai, A. Berlin, R. Saskin, RJ. Hamilton, GS. Kulkarni, N. Fleshner European Urology, Supplements, March 2019 18(1):e1581-e1582
- 2019 “ Differences in contemporary biopsy Gleason score distribution in men diagnosed with prostate cancer from China and Canada” Authors: L. Dong, DTS Woon, C Kuk, A. Erlich, Z. Ma, O. Shi, B. Dong, M. Nesbitt, S. Carlsson, GS. Kulkarni, R. Hamilton, A. Finelli, T. Vander Kwast, W. Xue, A. Zlotta. European Urology, Supplements, March 2019 18(1):e1801
- 2019 “Do elderly men (>75) harbor more aggressive prostate cancer? Comparison of decipher and PAM50 TESTS among different age groups.” Author: Hanan Goldberg, JO Caceres, M. Santiago-Jimenez, N. Fishbane, E. Davicioni, Z. Klaassen, T. Chandrasekar, CJD. Wallis, DTS. Woon, RJ. Hamilton, GS. Kulkarni, A. Berlin, N. Fleshner. Journal of Clinical Oncology, March 2019, 37(7_suppl):38-38
- 2018 “Free PSA Ratio as a Predictor of Adverse Outcomes after Curative-Intent External Beam Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: A Novel Application of an “Old” Biomarker” Authors: H. Goldberg, R. Glicksman, N.E. Fleshner, D.T.S. Woon, Z. Klaassen, T. Chandrasekar, J.O.H. Caceres, N.S. Salgado, M.X. Qu, F.Y. Moraes, G.S. Kulkarni, R.J. Hamilton, P. Chung, C.N. Catton, A. Finelli, and A. Berlin International Journal of Radiation Oncology 2018 Nov, Vol. 102, Issue 3, Supplement, Page e112
- 2018 “What patient factors predict prostate–specific antigen testing among men aged 50 and above?” Authour: Hanan Goldberg, Zachary Klaassen, Thenappan Chandrasekar, Christopher Wallis, Jaime Omar Herrera Caceras, Dixon Woon, Girish Kulkarni, Robert Hamilton, Nathan Perlis, Antonio Finelli, Alexandre Zlotta, Neil Fleshner. CUAJ: Vol. 12, No. 6 Suppl, June 2018
- 2018 “Does prior inguinoscrotal surgery alter recurrence patterns and survival outcome for patients with testitcular cancer? The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre experience” Authors: Dixon Woon, Thenappan Chandrasekar, Jaime Omar Herrera, Hanan Goldberg, Zachary Klaassen, Neil Fleshner, Michael Jewett, Robert Hamilton. CUAJ: Vol. 12, No. 6 Suppl, June 2018
- 2018 “4Kscore and PCA3 tests concordance in predicting positive biopsy for clinically significant prostate cancer” Authors: Dixon Woon, Jaime Omar Herrera, Sai Vangala, Hanan Goldberg, Thenappan Chandrasekar, Zachary Klaassen1, Robert Hamilton, Girish Kulkarni, Antonio Finelli, Alexandre Zlotta, Neil Fleshner. CUAJ: Vol. 12, No. 6 Suppl, June 2018
- 2018 “Is the hybrid ileo-ureteric anastomosis a better alternative than the Bricker or Wallace anastomosis for ileal conduit urinary diversion?” Authors: DTS. Woon, Chinniv Vidyasagar, Athina Pirpiris, Melbourne, Australia, Jaime O. Herrera-Cáceres, Thenappan Chandrasekar, Hanan Goldberg, Zachary Klaassen, Toronto, Canada, Matthew Harper J. Urol. Vol. 199, Issue 4, Supplement, Page e669
- 2018 “The impact of androgen deprivation therapy on t cell characteristics in prostate cancer patients” Authors: Dixon T.S. Woon, Genevieve Whitty, Tatenda Nzenza, Manvendra Saxena, Damien Bolton, Ian Davis. J. Urol. Vol. 199, Issue 4, Supplement, Page e1227
- 2018 “Significantly high levels of activated cytotoxic t-lymphocytes are found in both benign and malignant prostate tissues” Authors: Dixon T.S. Woon, Genevieve Whitty, Weranja K.B. Ranasinghe, Manvendra Saxena, Damien Bolton, Ian Davis J. Urol. Vol. 199, Issue 4, Supplement, Page e941-2
- 2018 “Do men with prior military service have an increased risk for genitourinary cancers? Results from the HINTS national database” Authors: Hanan Goldberg, T. Chandrasekar, Z. Klaassen, CJD. Wallis, JO. Herrera, DTS. Woon, GS. Kulkarni, RJ. Hamilton, N. Perlis, A. Finelli, A. Zlotta, N. Fleshner. CUAJ: Vol. 12, No. 6 Suppl, June 2018
- 2018 “Primary adrenal malignancy: insights into the epidemiology of a rare histological subset” Authors: Thenappan Chandrasekar, Hanan Goldberg, Zachary Klaassen, Ardalan E. Ahmad, Jaime O. Herrera-Caceres, Dixon T.S. Woon, Robert J. Hamilton, Girish S. Kulkarni, Neil E. Fleshner. J. Urol. Vol. 199, Issue 4, Supplement, Page e21-2
- 2018 “Salvage prostatectomy after focal therapy – single centre experience” Authors: Jaime Herrera-Caceres, Dixon T.S. Woon, Hanan Goldberg, Thenappan Chandrasekar, Zachary Klaassen, Neil Fleshner. J. Urol. Vol. 199, Issue 4, Supplement, Page e21-2
- 2018 “Can free psa be used as a biomarker in biochemical recurrence after surgery to predict castrate resistant prostate cancer?” Authors: Hanan Goldberg, Ally Hoffman, Dixon T.S. Woon, Zachary Klaassen, Thenappan Chandrasekar, Douglas Cheung, Alejandro Berlin, Rashid Sayyid, Girish Kulkarni, Robert J. Hamilton, Neil Fleshner. J. Urol. Vol. 199, Issue 4, Supplement, Page e1065
- 2012 April “Characterisation of immune infiltrates in malignant and benign prostate tissues” Authors: Dixon Woon, G. Whitty, M. Saxena, D.M. Bolton and I.D. Davis. British Journal of Urology International: Volume 109, Issue Supplement s4 page 60
- 2012 Feb “11C-choline pet scanning is more accurate than biopsy in assessment of localized prostate cancer planned for radical prostatectomy.” Authors: Ian D. Davis, Sze Ting Lee, Lekshmy Shanker, David Clouston, Damien M Bolton, David Angus, David Webb, Nathan Lawrentschuk, Dixon Teck Sing Woon, Stephen Esler, Daryl Lim Joon, Joe Chang, Richard O’Sullivan, Kunthi Pathmaraj, Henri Tochon-Danguy, Graeme Joseph O’Keefe and Andrew Mark Scott. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012. Vol 30, No 5. Supplement 182
- 2011 Feb “Evaluation of infiltrating t regulatory cells in prostate cancer tissue” Author: D.T.S. Woon, N. Rajarubendra, I.D. Davis, G. Whitty, M. Saxena, D.M. Bolton. British Journal of Urology International: Volume 107, Issue Supplement s1 page 1-5
- 2010 May “Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in the public health system: a ten-year review” Authors: Dr. Dixon Woon, Darren Katz, Dr. Charles Pilgrim, A.Prof. Peter Nottle ANZ Journal of Surgery: Volume 80 (S1) May 2010 page A6
- 2010 May “The safety of the surgical management of phaeochromocytoma” Authors: Dr. Dixon Woon, Prof. Jonathan W. Serpell, Mr. Simon Grodski, Ms Meei Yeung and Mr. William Johnson. ANZ Journal of Surgery: Volume 80 (S1) May 2010 page A29
- 2008 May “Trauma load in a regional hospital orthopaedic unit” Authors: Dr. Dixon Woon, Dr. T. Nau, Mr. S. Fletcher. Abstract of paper is published in the ANZ Journal of Surgery: Volume 78(Supplement 1) May 2008 p149.
International meetings
- 2020 “Population-based study on the outcomes of the use of abiraterone and enzalutamide in men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer: Urologist versus medical oncologist” Accepted for moderated poster presentation. USANZ 2020, Sydney. Australia (Cancelled due to COVID 19 outbreak)
- 2019 “Differences in contemporary biopsy Gleason score distribution in men diagnosed with prostate cancer from China and Canada” Verbal presentation, Urological Association of Asia (UAA) 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- 2019 “A high percent-free psa in the setting of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy is associated with poorer outcomes: a validation study using prospectively collected biobank specimens” Verbal presentation, Canadian Urological Association (CUA) Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada.
- 2019 “Disparities associated with disease presentation and poor survival among Asian patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma” Poster presentation, Canadian Urological Association (CUA) Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada.
- 2018 Nov “A high percent-free psa in the setting of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy is associated with poorer outcomes: a validation study using prospectively collected biobank specimens” Poster presentation: Society of Uro-oncology (SUO) 2018, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- 2018 June “Disparity in public funding of therapies for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer across canadian provinces” Prize Essay Verbal presentation, Canadian Urological Association (CUA) Annual Meeting, Halifax, Canada.
- 2018 May “Is the hybrid ileo-ureteric anastomosis a better alternative than the Bricker or Wallace anastomosis for ileal conduit urinary diversion?” Verbal presentation, American Urology Association (AUA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
- 2018 May “The impact of androgen deprivation therapy on t cell characteristics in prostate cancer patients” Verbal presentation, American Urology Association (AUA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
- 2018 May “Significantly high levels of activated cytotoxic t-lymphocytes are found in both benign and malignant prostate tissues” Verbal presentation, American Urology Association (AUA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
- 2015 May 17 “Characterisation of immune infiltrates in malignant and benign prostate tissues” Verbal presentation, American Urology Association (AUA) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA
- 2012 April 24 “Characterisation of immune infiltrates in malignant and benign prostate tissues” Villis Marshall Research Prize finalist USANZ 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, Darwin, Australia.
- 2011 May “Evaluation of infiltrating t regulatory cells in prostate cancer tissuE” Verbal presentation, American Urology Association (AUA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
- 2010 May “Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in the public health system: a ten-year review” Verbal presentation at the RACS Conjoint Annual Scientific Congress 2010, Perth, Australia.
- 2010 May “The safety of the surgical management of phaeochromocytoma” Poster presentation at the RACS Conjoint Annual Scientific Congress, 2010, Perth, Australia
- 2008 May-Nov “Preoperative core biopsy of soft tissue tumours facilitates their surgical management: a ten-year update” Verbal presentation at the RACS Conjoint Annual Scientific Congress 2OO8 in Hong Kong
- 2008 May-Oct “Trauma load in a regional hospital orthopaedic unit” Poster presentation at the RACS Conjoint Annual Scientific Congress 2OO8 in Hong Kong
National meetings
- 2011 Nov 15 “Characterisation of immune infiltrates in malignant and benign prostate tissues” Best of the Best Orals presentation finalist, at the 38th Clinical Oncological Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, 2011 Perth. Australia.
State meetings
- 2016 Oct 15 “PET PSMA: Can it predict who to nerve spare?” Poster presentation at the USANZ, Victoria State Meeting, Torquay, Victoria, Australia.
- 2014 Oct 19 “Transperineal Template Biopsy of Prostate can be offered reliably in a regional setting” Poster presentation at the USANZ, Victoria State Meeting, Healesville, Victoria, Australia.
- 2013 Oct 25 “The duration and impact of delay to nephroureterectomy for patients undergoing ureteroscopic biopsy of upper tract transitional cell carcinoma” Poster presentation at the USANZ, Victoria State Meeting. Cape Schanck, Victoria, Australia.
- 2011 Oct 22 “Characterisation of immune infiltrates in malignant and benign prostate tissues” Verbal presentation, USANZ, Victorian Section ASM, Lorne, Victoria, Australia
- 2020 Research supervisor for graduate research students
- 2018 Examiner for third year medical students, University of Toronto, Canada.
- 2016 Instructor for the medical student surgical workshop at the RACS lab.
- 2012-16 Tutor for medical students at the University of Melbourne and Monash University.
- 2007 Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Anatomy, and PBL tutor at Monash University.